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Overcoming Sweat That Causes Body Odor with Deodorant

The use of deodorants is an important part in preventing body odor. However, sometimes choosing the right deodorant is not easy. If the wrong choice, instead of overcoming the problem of body odor, the underarm skin can become irritated. Various kinds of things such as sports activities, activities in the hot sun or rooms with hot and humid air can make the body easier to sweat. When the body sweats, the risk of experiencing body odor is sometimes unavoidable.

Causes of Body Odor

Armpits are one part of the body that is prone to sweat. In this part of the body, there are apocrine glands, which are glands that release sweat. Actually the sweat produced does not smell, but can cause odor when mixed with bacteria found on the surface of the skin. There are several factors that can affect the onset of body odor, including:
  • Lack of personal hygiene

  • That is why, one way to prevent body odor is to maintain personal hygiene, especially in the armpit area. Can be done by bathing twice a day and rubbing the armpit area using antibacterial soap, to prevent body odor bacteria from multiplying.
  • Wearing clothes that have been wet by sweat

  • To overcome this, it is advisable to always use clean clothes, and immediately change clothes when you have sweat.
  • Accumulation of bacteria and sweat on underarm hair

  • Shaving armpit hair regularly can help reduce the amount of bacteria and sweat trapped in the underarm hair strands.
In addition, to help avoid body odor, you can use deodorant after every shower to prevent body odor.

Carefully Choosing Deodorants

Deodorants can be a powerful weapon to prevent body odor. However, it helps you pay attention to this in choosing deodorant:
  • Contains tri ethylcitrate

  • The content of tri ethyclitrate is considered safe and useful when used on deodorants. The content of tri ethylictrate in deodorants can strengthen the anti-bacterial effect that can prevent the proliferation of bacteria that cause body odor.
  • Avoid aluminum and alcohol content

  • Many deodorants include aluminum as an active ingredient that will clog the sweat glands in the armpits. Aluminum can indeed reduce the risk of body odor, but this material can irritate underarm skin, especially on sensitive skin. In addition, underarm skin irritation can also be caused by alcohol content in deodorant products.
  • Avoid parabens

  • Paraben is a cosmetic preservative that is widely used, it's just that this material can cause irritation in some people, especially if there are injuries to the armpits. Which also needs to watch out for, the use of deodorants that contain parabens can reportedly trigger breast cancer. Although this still needs further research.
The use of deodorant can be an effective way to prevent body odor. If the use of deodorant is not able to drive the problem of body odor, do not hesitate to consult a doctor. Your doctor will look for the causes of body odor that you experience and the right solution, so that body odor is no longer a problem for you.
